Energy Exchanges

What are ICLEI's Energy Exchanges?

Beginning with a series of virtual exchanges, ICLEI’s Energy Exchanges provide light-touch technical assistance to dedicated cities and regions undertaking their sustainable energy transition. This is done through deep-dives into a broad range of topics, and connections and exchanges with experts and peers on solutions across the energy technology and policy spectrum, as well as implementation mechanisms that can be applied to their local contexts.


To address the climate emergency and achieve a sustainable net-zero future, a renewables-based energy transition, along with energy efficiency measures, is crucial. However, the transition will vary across countries and cities, depending on their unique circumstances and sectoral priorities.

Local and regional governments play a vital role in setting renewable energy targets and implementing them to create sustainable and resilient urban environments. Yet, they face challenges when implementing sustainable energy solutions. Effective governance, technological advancements, enabling policies, and access to finance are essential for turning local strategies into action. Coordinated efforts among various stakeholders are required to align incentives, encourage innovation, and bridge the gap with cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, customized methodologies and applications should be considered based on the specific context of each city and region, ensuring a successful and inclusive sustainable energy transition.

That’s where the Energy Exchange series come in, bringing together a host of experts and practitioners across energy sectors to share their experiences, expertise and knowledge on a range of topics, to enable the exchange of solutions and approaches that can lead to a rapid and accelerated sustainable energy transition and a much needed impact on the ground. Read more here.