
What are the 100% Renewables Roadmaps?

These roadmaps for cities and regions serve as realistic and customized pathways towards 100% renewable energy by 2050.

Each roadmap is tailored to the unique contexts of the respective territory, factoring in their available renewable energy sources, demographics, and resources. Build on energy modeling conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, they provide further guidance on turning modeling scenarios into tangible results on the ground through policy recommendations, potential sources of finance, and methods for monitoring and evaluating progress.

This results in distinct pathways, customized priorities, and realistic goals for each location.

A truly collaborative approach

Each city and region worked closely with the ICLEI World Secretariat and ICLEI’s regional offices – ICLEI South America, ICLEI Argentina, ICLEI Southeast Asia, ICLEI Indonesia, and ICLEI Africa – to define an overarching vision for their 100% renewable energy future, for example by prioritizing energy access or economic development.

Together, they worked on expanding capacities related to energy and finance, undertaking extensive data collection to feed into the energy modeling process, conducting multilevel governance and policy dialogues, and identifying and developing bankable project proposals for further implementation.

Visionary support

These roadmaps would not be possible without the vision and support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) through the International Climate Initiative.